a drawing of Gregor Samsa, from The Metamorphosis. The katakana says "Thomas" (I think) for some reason.

An attempt at drawing Pikachu from memory, unfortunately transformed into some sort of demon baby.

Some chickens in a physics textbook.
a drawing of Gregor Samsa, from The Metamorphosis. The katakana says "Thomas" (I think) for some reason.
An attempt at drawing Pikachu from memory, unfortunately transformed into some sort of demon baby.
Some chickens in a physics textbook.
This monstrosity probably started out with us tracing a picture of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck projected on the whiteboard, and then illustrating Lamarckian evolution with the giraffes and the banana trees, which led to the Garden of Eden scene, which then led to utter chaos. Spot the teletubby!
...I don't even know what to say for this one, except that keen-eyed viewers will note a subtle (not really) reference to the Epic of Gilgamesh.
An assortment of creatures, some of which Nintendo will no doubt steal for the next Pokemon game.
Our valiant efforts to come up with creative new designs for alien species. My favorite is the anglerfish-looking thing.
I was unaware of this one's existence until recently. I am told that it is a caricature of a particular teacher at school.
(NSFW???) How we discovered that Sonic the Hedgehog is incredibly hard to get looking right from memory.
I have no explanation for this one.
--- This page will probably be updated as new works are uncovered. ---