"'Baby,' they start saying to me, 'you are drunk.'
and I am. and I am. and I am. ...
... I drink too fast. they talk on. I hear them gently.
I sleep. I sleep in comradeship. the sea will not drown me and neither will they. they love my sleeping body. I am an asshole. they love my sleeping body. may all God's children come to this."
-- Charles Bukowski, Notes of a Dirty Old Man
quote archivesHey, stranger.
You remember that one recurring dream you kept having when you were seven or eight years old? Y'know, the one so misaligned with your regular experience of reality that you still wrestle with whether you really had it at all? The one of the strange girl on that unending elevator ride to nowhere who stared at you with those huge, pleading, unblinking eyes, urgently repeating a date and a time to you until you woke up feeling ever more uncertain of the line between the real and the unreal? Yeah, uh, turns out that that date and time just passed thirty seconds ago as you first loaded this page. Yeah, I'd be disappointed too. I get those emails all the time.
Well, hey -- now that you're here, go check out my writing page. I got nothing else for you, really. Someday this site will be worthy of this cosmic convergence; for now you'll just have to deal, buckaroo.

strelka :^]