"'Baby,' they start saying to me, 'you are drunk.'
and I am. and I am. and I am. ...
... I drink too fast. they talk on. I hear them gently.
I sleep. I sleep in comradeship. the sea will not drown me and neither will they. they love my sleeping body. I am an asshole. they love my sleeping body. may all God's children come to this."

-- Charles Bukowski, Notes of a Dirty Old Man

quote archives!

Movin' things around

I had the standard weaselly Neocities "sorry for the mess" sitting up here awhile, 'n then I realized: no. It is the people who are wrong. So: Howdy! Come, friends! Revel in my glory and see that this is in fact the Ultimate Web Site. If you don't like it then, like, melonking's thataway.

Snark snark.

Go check out my writing page :)

strelka :^]