Alright, here we are! I'll keep this short so we can get back to the party, so here goes:

Happy 2th Friend Year Versary thing!! I think that's long enough to designate us Old Friends. Yippee! In truth, it feels like we've been there since the beginning. Old friends since day one. Talking with you is like how I imagine the regulars at the diner who've been seeing each other there for decades and decades talk. Except here, I've got the extra-special privilege of watching you change and grow before my eyes, and getting to change and grow right alongside you. Being able to see you blossoming as an adult and as an artist especially is so... so great!! And inspiring! You inspire me a LOT.

It's been a fun two years! I always have fun with you. Even when things aren't... fun. I value that the most. I know I've been hard-to-reach pretty often as of late, and I promise I'll be more of a presence in the coming-times!

Yeah, sweetie, that's about it... grah... I could sit here for hours pouring out words about how crazy it is that it's been two years, and how grreat being friends with you has been, and holy fuck TWO YEARS!!! But, yknow, in the interest of brevity and my fingers I'll sit this one out. Plus, some of it might cross over into birthday message territory, which I'd like to have compartmentalized awway nice and neatly. SO: Happy two years!! Holy crap!! Have a good year ahead! Here's to many more to come :))


Sean (Skullmaster, Master of Skulls)