An update, or, the most interesting man in the world, or, some changes, or, three dogs in your rv, all named after movies (Jul 4, 2023)
So it's been a while right? All three-ish of you regular viewers of this website -- hi, leanne -- didja miss me? Course ya did. Dorks.
This blog post's gonna be a bit different! Well, no, I don't get to say that when I have exactly one previous post on this blog (one real post, anyway -- go check that one out, by the way, I'm still real proud of it). Before you click away, this is not an apology for not posting more. Those are annoying and dumb and'll make me end up like this guy:

Look at 'im. Pathetic. Definitely not me, no sir. Veritably, I ride these dusty plains perched atop a flaming stallion of unbridled interestingness. And I am fully aware of the paradoxical nature of me referencing xkcd on the internet to make a point about my own uniqueness; just earlier while googling for this comic I saw at least two separate results that were blogs using this exact comic to make similar points without even having to scroll down. Whatevs, yo. (Also before you say anything I don't actually use Google as my search engine, I use DuckDuckGo like the proper little paranoid dweller of the indie web that I am. On a Chromium browser, albeit, yes, and yes, I know!) Jeez, where was I?
I bring up the comic above for more than one reason, actually... A long LONG time ago, when I was first trying to figure out this whole website thing, I knew I didn't want to end up like some of the other bloggy sites I'd seen around the intar wubz that were all THIS BLOG POST IS NOT FINISHED SMARTASSES I'LL BE BACK